Wednesday 16 November 2011

Meltdown: The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse

Meltdown: The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse (2011) is the story of the bankers who crashed the world, the leaders who struggled to save it and the ordinary families who got crushed.

HOUR 1: The Men Who Crashed the World

Greed and recklessness by the titans of Wall Street triggers the largest financial crash since the Great Depression. It's left to US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, himself a former Wall Street banker, to try and avert further disaster.

HOUR 2: A Global Tsunami

The meltdown's devastation ripples around the world from California to Iceland and China. Facing economic ruin, desperate world leaders are at each other's throats.

HOUR 3: Paying the Price

The victims of the meltdown fight back. In Iceland, protestors force a government to fall. In Canada, ripped off autoworkers occupy their plant. And in France, furious union members kidnap their bosses.

HOUR 4: After the Fall

Investigators begin to sift through the meltdown's rubble. Shaken world leaders question the very foundations of modern capitalism while asking: could it all happen again?




  2. To WideEyeCinema patrons: Ignore the Liam troll. He is obviously a rabble-rouser shill. If you see a recommendation from him, just do the exact opposite. He has demonstrated a clear pattern of disinfo and aggressive propaganda peddling. We all know that calling this site "mainstream" is like calling a skunk sweet smelling. The truth isn't pretty and either this character just cannot deal with it, is mentally deranged, or is actually on the payroll of the tyrants. Either way just ignore this troll and his childish outbursts so he will hopefully give up, put his tail between his legs and scurry away to somewhere else.

  3. By the way I forgot to mention something, and it’s an important point. When I criticised that program, I didn’t say “it’s all lies don’t believe a word they say” and spread miss info. I said “It’s a whitewash” meaning it didn’t go far enough. There’s a BIG difference.

  4. @Liam LOL There you go again. More rubish. You only expose yourself for a fool when you blatantly labeled the "program" as you sarcastically put it , in all CAPS I might add, and with your usual schoolyard vulgarity, "whitewash" for all to see. And to make a feebly ignorant attempt to recommend people not "wasting (spelled as 'waisting' by you ROFL) their time watching it" thus donning the garb of the cowardly debunker. To write in ALL CAPS your worthless opinion and attempt to deter people from making up their own mind is standard procedure for trolls and disinfo goons. Actually your attempt at reconciling your initial comment is a perfect example of "whitewash"=To gloss over your wrongdoing and conceal your failures. Bingo! And another definition you should familiarize yourself with since you erroneously seem to fancy yourself a semantic specifist, is for the term "disinfo". Misquoted by you as "miss info". LOL As you would say, there's a BIG difference. The term disinfo means: false information deliberately and often covertly (like a troll assuming the character of a informed truth lover) spread (as by the planting of rumors) in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth. Sound familiar Liam? To attempt to convince readers to regard my comment as an off the mark response to perceived "miss info" is a whitewash tactic if ever there was one. One doesn't just leave an ALL CAPS comment with a grandaddy expletive followed by an urging of people not to "waist" their time in a misguided attempt at "miss info". No, your comment is textbook disinfo and you got called on it. You make ridiculous spelling errors and don't offer any coherent argument, how convincing. The only proof for your claims you provide is your own words, oh well then it must be true. pffft I would venture to say your knowledge of EVERYTHING is like Sarah Palin's knowledge on foreign policy, and your probably the type to defend the absurdity contained within the bible with quotes from the bible. LOL Tell me I'm wrong. You fail. Deal with it. Be gone Troll.
