WIDE EYE CINEMA is dedicated to showcasing the very best alternative truth related documentaries and videos you can watch online.
Where Blue Pill meets Red Pill: Is there a conspiracy?
Yes, but does it have to involve aliens and UFOs? No, it involves criminal Moneylenders¹ and a Pro-Zionist Government who hide behind the red shield of 'National Security' and the controlled media. Thanks to each other and the internet, we the sheeple are now finally waking up to this obvious crime wave and their puppet henchmen (the so-called "New World Order"). Their modus operandi is historically known as Hegelian Dialectic which consists of keeping the world in a perpetual state of conflict, as a result, controlling and limiting our experience as a human race.The manipulation stops when we learn about their methods and techniques, hence the purpose of this website. All films can be streamed via YewTube as well as downloaded/saved to your computer via the red arrow icon underneath each embedded video. Help spread this most important information Far and Wide; bookmark this page now and check back for weekly updates!
Disclaimer: Opinions stated in the following documentaries and cinema are not necessarily supported or endorsed by Wide Eye Cinema. Viewers are urged to use the information to draw their own conclusions.
"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none." ~ Gutle Schnaper (Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s wife - 1849)