I have just read your letter to the ADL linked to above, Ryan. In it you take offense to being added to a list of who you and the ADL consider "real" racists or anti-Semites.
I would have thought that by including your name they would have lost any credibility with you but No! - you swallowed their crap whole, only taking exception to your inclusion on their nasty list.
My bet would be that most of the people on their list are no more hate-filled anti-Semites than you are.
Seeing clearly who is responsible for the messes made and pointing our their culpability in suppressing that information doesn't make one a hater. If anything it's a prime indicator of an informed intelligence governed by a respectful regard for the truth.
I now regularly investigate the claims made about those who oppose the aims of the ADL by the ADL and AIPAC and the whole range of other Jewish and Zionist organizations that have been set up to corrupt and manipulate the rest of us. I refuse to take anything these racist bullies claim to be true seriously.
We've all heard the joke:
"How can you tell when Abe Foxman and Alan Dershowitz are lying?"
It is quite inconceivable that the world would allow these people who identify themselves with this incredibly nebulous term Jew to engage in the ultimate, Orwellian corruption of language. The term anti-Semitic should have no place in the human lexicon.
Let me enlighten these brainless Jews, Zionists, Red Sea pedestrians or whatever they choose to call themselves these days as they wallow in monumental ethnocentrism. The only meaning the term Semitic can have is a reference to a body of languages that were and are spoken in the Middle East. The term does not and cannot refer to races or ethnic groups or a "master race" whose sun shines out its collective ass.
The prototypal Semitic language was created by the Akkadians of Mesopotamia. Its name came from the fact that it did not have written vowels and it was therefore a minimal or semi language, coming into English usage from the Latin semi. It never referred to a specific group of people or to a "race" of "chosen People."
It might be of interest to these ignorant Zionists that a German journalist named Wilhelm Marrs coined the term anti-Semitic in 1879. He ignorantly believed that Semitic referred to a race of beings otherwise called Jews. He also believed that Zionists were taking over and manipulating the world's financial systems. He therefore created this term to illuminate what these Zionists were doing, believing this epithet would rally people into action against this Zionist takeover. Using the term anti-Semitic in the late eighteen hundreds was identical to using the term anti-Communistic in the 1950s. In bizarre fashion, the Zionists twisted this term into its absolutely meaningless antithesis. These Zionists should be aware that they are nothing but ignorant, uneducated buffoons to any classically educated, enlightened person.
While Zionist Jews may be on the verge of taking over the world, they will not be allowed to engage in the Orwellian corruption of language, the force that gave man divine potentiality.
I have just read your letter to the ADL linked to above, Ryan. In it you take offense to being added to a list of who you and the ADL consider "real" racists or anti-Semites.
ReplyDeleteI would have thought that by including your name they would have lost any credibility with you but No! - you swallowed their crap whole, only taking exception to your inclusion on their nasty list.
My bet would be that most of the people on their list are no more hate-filled anti-Semites than you are.
Seeing clearly who is responsible for the messes made and pointing our their culpability in suppressing that information doesn't make one a hater. If anything it's a prime indicator of an informed intelligence governed by a respectful regard for the truth.
I now regularly investigate the claims made about those who oppose the aims of the ADL by the ADL and AIPAC and the whole range of other Jewish and Zionist organizations that have been set up to corrupt and manipulate the rest of us. I refuse to take anything these racist bullies claim to be true seriously.
We've all heard the joke:
"How can you tell when Abe Foxman and Alan Dershowitz are lying?"
The answer is of course: "Their lips are moving."
It is quite inconceivable that the world would allow these people who identify themselves with this incredibly nebulous term Jew to engage in the ultimate, Orwellian corruption of language. The term anti-Semitic should have no place in the human lexicon.
ReplyDeleteLet me enlighten these brainless Jews, Zionists, Red Sea pedestrians or whatever they choose to call themselves these days as they wallow in monumental ethnocentrism. The only meaning the term Semitic can have is a reference to a body of languages that were and are spoken in the Middle East. The term does not and cannot refer to races or ethnic groups or a "master race" whose sun shines out its collective ass.
The prototypal Semitic language was created by the Akkadians of Mesopotamia. Its name came from the fact that it did not have written vowels and it was therefore a minimal or semi language, coming into English usage from the Latin semi. It never referred to a specific group of people or to a "race" of "chosen People."
It might be of interest to these ignorant Zionists that a German journalist named Wilhelm Marrs coined the term anti-Semitic in 1879. He ignorantly believed that Semitic referred to a race of beings otherwise called Jews. He also believed that Zionists were taking over and manipulating the world's financial systems. He therefore created this term to illuminate what these Zionists were doing, believing this epithet would rally people into action against this Zionist takeover. Using the term anti-Semitic in the late eighteen hundreds was identical to using the term anti-Communistic in the 1950s. In bizarre fashion, the Zionists twisted this term into its absolutely meaningless antithesis. These Zionists should be aware that they are nothing but ignorant, uneducated buffoons to any classically educated, enlightened person.
While Zionist Jews may be on the verge of taking over the world, they will not be allowed to engage in the Orwellian corruption of language, the force that gave man divine potentiality.