Ben Stewart and Dan Stewart, creators of Esoteric Agenda and Kymatica, focus the essence of this film around the journey through transitional and groundbreaking moments in a human’s life. At a major juncture in his life, rob in the pagĂ© family began down a road less traveled to free himself from fear, government control, and reliance on public energy and food supply, and shares his journey that led him off the grid.
The purpose of this film is not to provide legal advice, nor is it to simply educate, but rather as inspirational fuel. To become more of what we already are.
Outstanding documentary, this should be viewed by all Canadians, actually (Turtle Islanders)! This is just one example of revealing how both Americans, Canadians have been lied to, decieved, manupulated, by corporate, maritime laws! Millions have no understanding, due to the dumbing down of our educational systems! And the tv brain washing being sent to all homes. We are brain dead, because we have been led, that is being patrotic!